Haena Fasuto Sangca
Sittie Nhurhaena Fausto Sangca. 7th child of Mr. & Mrs. Macmod Sangca. 18 years of existence. An AB Political Science student in a world-class institution, MSU-IIT. I Like to hang out with my friends and meet new people. I Love eating (a lot), sleeping and talking. *weird*.

All my life I've been thinking of what I am planning to do with my life and what I would like to learn when I grow up. To be honest, I don't know what food on Earth I've eaten why I took AB Political Science. It's not really my field, I mean I'm not that good on analyzing or memorizing theories or doctrines. But I had nothing to with it bcoz' I'm already here. I'll just do my very best to pass and graduate on this course. Who knows maybe after I graduated on this course I might proceed to Law. May the odd be in my favor! God bless. and have a nice day ahead. 

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